Sunday, August 22, 2010



We Indians call ourselves Conservative people. But many don’t know the real meaning behind this term conservatism. Wikipedia says “Conservatism (Latin: conservare, "to preserve") is a political and social philosophy that promotes the maintenance of traditional institutions and opposes rapid change in society”. I personally think we people call ourselves conservative and narrow down our mind set in many issues. Here I just felt like quoting few incidents where we usually go wrong with this term.

First in the list is Dressing sense, especially for girls. Dress is something which is for our own comfort so every individual will have his/her own style of dressing. We can’t accuse a girl to be freaky if she wears a sleeve less tees or kurthi. It’s her own choice and she feels comfy with that outfit. Again people might offend her saying that she is distracting others and pushing herself to some problem. Lemme tell you this, Even a girl who wears saree (more conservative dress of south India) can distract her fellow mates. So it’s not the dress, but the mentality of people matters a lot here. Wearing saree and dhoti doesn’t mean that we are conservative and that thought not gonna help us in any way. Again there is a thin line difference between being casual and obscene. So it’s up to us where we gonna stand and these days people are matured enough about that.

Second in the pipe line is Socialism. I don’t think Guy talking to a girl or girl talking to a guy is something bad or preposterous. After all that’s the sole purpose of our creation. Nothing gonna happen in talking. In this After all one guy is learning how to interact with a girl, which is very important in this corporate world. So it’s high time we change our mentality about a guy – girl relationship in college or office. We human beings tend to commit mistake when we are so much restricted. So these rules gonna do nothing but worsening the situation. Again no institution gonna gain anything imposing useless rules like No guy should talk to a girl or vice a versa. Again every Individual knows his/her own limits when it comes to a guy – girl relationship. Any girl who talks to a guy can never be portrayed as non conservative girl in this society. This socialism obviously leads to a healthy society.

Again opinions vary from people to people. And this is my perspective of looking at this issue. No man is perfect in this world, so it’s better to mind our own business rather than worrying or commenting about other’s dressing sense or behavior. Every Individual has their own freedom in this democratic country and others should start respecting it.


The Different Loser said...

Enna thidir nu dressing sense and girl-guy ah pathi pechu???

Suresh Kumar said...

lol.. chumma thaan.. jus felt like writin abt this..

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