Sunday, August 22, 2010



We Indians call ourselves Conservative people. But many don’t know the real meaning behind this term conservatism. Wikipedia says “Conservatism (Latin: conservare, "to preserve") is a political and social philosophy that promotes the maintenance of traditional institutions and opposes rapid change in society”. I personally think we people call ourselves conservative and narrow down our mind set in many issues. Here I just felt like quoting few incidents where we usually go wrong with this term.

First in the list is Dressing sense, especially for girls. Dress is something which is for our own comfort so every individual will have his/her own style of dressing. We can’t accuse a girl to be freaky if she wears a sleeve less tees or kurthi. It’s her own choice and she feels comfy with that outfit. Again people might offend her saying that she is distracting others and pushing herself to some problem. Lemme tell you this, Even a girl who wears saree (more conservative dress of south India) can distract her fellow mates. So it’s not the dress, but the mentality of people matters a lot here. Wearing saree and dhoti doesn’t mean that we are conservative and that thought not gonna help us in any way. Again there is a thin line difference between being casual and obscene. So it’s up to us where we gonna stand and these days people are matured enough about that.

Second in the pipe line is Socialism. I don’t think Guy talking to a girl or girl talking to a guy is something bad or preposterous. After all that’s the sole purpose of our creation. Nothing gonna happen in talking. In this After all one guy is learning how to interact with a girl, which is very important in this corporate world. So it’s high time we change our mentality about a guy – girl relationship in college or office. We human beings tend to commit mistake when we are so much restricted. So these rules gonna do nothing but worsening the situation. Again no institution gonna gain anything imposing useless rules like No guy should talk to a girl or vice a versa. Again every Individual knows his/her own limits when it comes to a guy – girl relationship. Any girl who talks to a guy can never be portrayed as non conservative girl in this society. This socialism obviously leads to a healthy society.

Again opinions vary from people to people. And this is my perspective of looking at this issue. No man is perfect in this world, so it’s better to mind our own business rather than worrying or commenting about other’s dressing sense or behavior. Every Individual has their own freedom in this democratic country and others should start respecting it.

Friday, December 18, 2009

" Relationship is not tht easy "

Lemme just start updating ma blog with brand new and a lil bit sensible issue which is nothing but “relationship”. Yeah Relationship.. it doesn’t mean only the relationship between lovers and couples. It is related to every pair or group of people who are intact with some relation. And this relationship is something which expects love explicitly and many more things like respect, prestige implicitly.. this seems to be controversial, but it’s the truth in many cases..

Relationship is not as easy as we think. Every time one is not a problem but two is always a problem and this relationship deals with two people in most of the cases,it may be friends, siblings, neighbors, family.. The reason for a bad relationship may be ego, adamancy, prestige and many other petty petty issues. And SORRY seems to be a bad word in relationship; I don’t know how people afford to lose a person because of their ego. I am damn sure a true friend worth more than a self prestige. Expectation is the other element which plays a pivotal role in relationship, but I don’t want to argue whether it’s good to expect things because every one of us knows that Expectation leads to disappointment. So it’s always better to take things as it comes. Well other problem is coming outta shell when there is a problem between friends and I think it’s not a bad deal to open up any issue with a friend rather than losing him n regretting later.. If someone’s ego, self prestige, adamancy gonna eat off a good relationship, it’s always better to chuck it outta the sweet relationship.

Looking at all this, relationship seems to be complicated rite? Well yeah it is.. But it all depends on how we take things n proceed with our relationship. And this relationship is just like a mirror, to keep it safe or to break is in our hands.. and why am I talking about all this now? May be for someone? May be to cherish all ma good relationships? May be to get back someone? Who knows :P :P

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Few things...

Hey again posting a blog after a very long time. The gap is because of my project and exams. Everything is done once for all now. I was thinking to what to write this time and thought of penning about environment and its cleanliness.

We all know that government is trying so much for very long period to convert Chennai to singara Chennai. But we people keep blaming that government is not doing any thing regarding the cleanliness of the city and the same time we people litter or do messy things and spoil the steps taken by the government. I think people should be bit conscious about their surrounding and stop littering in the public places. Some of the common things which we all do will definitely sum up to a better result. So I think its every one’s duty to contribute their part in order to change our city to a singara Chennai. Some common things which we people can do are

1. Stop throwing the chocolate covers or any waste papers on the road

2. Use Dust bin to throw any kind of domestic waste

3. If we do not see any bin in our proximity, there is no wrong in having the waste till we find one

4. Stop spitting in the common place which most of the old people do

5. Can pass these message to all our friends so that we can reach our destiny soon

These basic things can help our government to achieve its aim of turning CHENNAI as CLEAN and GREEN city. Hope this blog acts as an eye opener and people start doing the needful for our city.

Monday, March 16, 2009


The incident which I witnessed very recently made me to post this blog which is all about “transgender and their community”. Last Friday when I was returning back home from project place in train, I saw two transgender coming to all compartments in demand of money for some function in their temple. Some offered them money and some denied. When they came near my seat, a couple offered them some money reluctantly which they accepted it with gratitude and left the place. After they went, the female told her husband that thank god, u gave something and sent them or else yuck, those people would have touched me. The conversation continued with a fellow sitting opposite to them. I was just viewing all this and started thinking about this issue.

I don’t know why this sort of treatment is given to such people and treat them as untouchable. In north side those people are considered as Lord Aarthanareeshwarar and treated as holy people. But we people in south side are not even treating them as normal human being. Here I definitely don’t know whom should we blame, whether the people or those community people? Because this transgender are men behaving like women because of their sexual chromosomal lack. So this should be seen in a biological perspective and they should be treated as female in every way. We need not help them by means of money but we can just show them the minimum courtesy and that will be surely of great help to them. Even every transgender should stop thinking bad about their birth and grow up their confidence to achieve in their life. They can opt for any work other than sex and begging so that they can start shining like other gender people. Only because of the act of begging and teasing of very few transgender is intimidating common people, which ultimately lead to a very bad opinion about the whole community. This can be avoided when they start living a respectful life which should be taken care by the government or transgender who are in well off position. Now a days few people of that community started grooming up well and represent their community in every field. Many a people have stepped into every field and started excelling in it.

This issue may be controversial, but as a human being we should be in a position to understand others feeling and stop teasing such people. Hope this post atleast make few not to think them as clutter but as third gender people.

PS: this is just my opinion and no offence on any one.

Friday, February 13, 2009


hey ppl

I wish everybody a happy Valentine's day. This day is not only meant for lovers but also for people who thinks love exist in all kinda relationships. So this is the day where we can show our love, affection and gratitude to our parents, friends, siblings and to every single person in this universe.

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Recenlty I heard a song called aathichudi of Vijay Anthony’s own composition (not sure though lolz) where he had made a rap with avaiyar’s aathichudi. In recent times many composers have tried their hand at composing music for some tamil literature works. Even maestro Ilayaraja was successful in doing thiruvasagam which was a massive hit amidst music lovers. This kind of work will really make people to get occluded with the literary work. Wish one had done some masala composition for mylapore man's thirukural so that I would have scored 10 on 10 in thirukural section in my language paper: D. Any ways this brings us to the conclusion that how music creates impact to these verses and brings soul to the lyrics. I am damn sure that these kinda albums will reach the mass and bang commercially too. I have uploaded this song for u guys, enjoy hearing it!!!

Saturday, January 24, 2009


Yesterday I went to the Mylapore fest, which usually takes place in January month of every year which includes competition, music, and dance where Mylapore residents have a galla time. Even though I am not a part of it, just went to witness it for very first time. Had a glance of all competitions going on and the petty shops in the road side. Then we decided to step into the very famous kabaleeshwarar temple, where I was shocked to see a board saying that “Non Hindus are not allowed inside” near the karbagraha (the place where we worship the god - mulavar). Even I remember seeing the same kind of board in world wonder nominee madurai meenakshi amman temple. I do not know what made people to put such a preposterous board in the temple, where many foreigners come as tourist to relish and awe at the cultural and traditional value of our country. I am damn sure that this kinda atrocious statement would definitely create a bad impact on our culture. Every religion’s principle portrays the same message that, every religion is the same and God is one. Only thing is we people see and worship god in our own ways. Preaching the students that all Indians are brothers and sisters and doing something like this which is totally contrary will not serve the purpose of doing it at all. Definitely these kinda stupid things will really aggravate the violence and fight amidst people. So I think government should take necessary actions to take off such boards which convey such atrocious statement. The very same thing was boggling me when I was doing pradharshanam and saw a couple from foreign country with a guide, who explains them the history and importance of the temple to them while going out of the temple. There I had shocking news waiting for me. Yeah my slipper was missing where I left it and was searching it for a couple of minutes and came to a conclusion “yethana periyar vandhalum evangala thirutha mudiyadhu” in a vivek style.

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